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时间:2017/5/17 来源:Twin 浏览次数:1263
Facing Frustration

  When you are frustrated and upset, what kind of people would you like to be with?

  Some of my friends can stand firm when they are heavily down on their luck and in a terrible fix. They choose to mix with successful people who have got all the smiles of fortune. By so doing they want to be goaded into pulling themselves together. They are able to keep calm no matter how arrogant and overbearing those people are.

  I admire them for what they have done, though I am not equal to it. When I’m down and out, I like to be with those also in distress, for we are in the same boat sharing each other’s feelings. They understand me and we have a lot to talk, to exchange advice and to encourage one another.

  But most likely what I’ll do in my frustration is to sit alone by myself. I won’t care if I am ignored by all other people of the world. Neither shall I pay attention to anyone else. What I do care is to face myself, for my wound can be healed only by myself. Whether it is to cry my eyes out, to have a painful self-examination, or to abandon myself to grief without food or sleep for three days on end, I know I have to get myself through the misery. One has to get up where one falls – everyone knows that. So it’s no use for anybody to come alone with advice trying to comfort me. It requires my own efforts to get fully realized of what the failure means to me and to draw lessons from it.

  When I meet a terrible rebuff, I’ll beat a hasty retreat. I’ll never stay there to stick to my guns, or try to stage a comeback. Why should I? Return to the same place may bring double pressure to bear on me. It is preferable to have a change of surroundings, for a different situation can mean a turn of fortune.

  To put it frankly, it is hard for a frustrated person to get along with others. But if one can solve the problem of dealing with oneself, and get over all the difficulties, one will find it rather easy to start all over again.

  (陈文伯 译)
The region is struggling under the cumulative effects of concurrent and continuous crises.该地区的危机接踵而至,持续不绝,累积效应令其应接不暇。
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