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时间:2013/8/12 来源:Twin 浏览次数:818
  长发披遍我两眼之前,   遂割断了一切羞恶之疾视,   与鲜血之急流,枯骨之沉睡。   黑夜与蚊虫联步徐来,   越此短墙之角,   狂呼在我清白之耳后,   如荒野狂风怒号:   战栗了无数游牧   靠一根草儿,与上帝之灵往返在空谷里。   我的哀戚惟游蜂之脑能深印着;   或与山泉长泻在悬崖,   然后随红叶而俱去。   弃妇之隐忧堆积在动作上,   夕阳之火不能把时间之烦闷   化成灰烬,从烟突里飞去,   长染在游鸦之羽,   将同栖止于海啸之石上,   静听舟子之歌。   衰老的裙裾发出哀吟,   徜徉在丘墓之侧,   永无热泪,   点滴在草地,   为世界之装饰。   Woman Abandoned   Li Jinfa   Long hair hangs down before my eyes,   Cutting off all glances of contempt and shame   And the rapid flow of fresh blood, the sound sleep of bleached bones.   Insects and the dark night arrive hand in hand,   Over the corner of this low wall   To howl behind my ears that never have been soiled.   They howl like winds in the wilderness,   Frightening many shepherds and their charges.   By way of a blade of grass I communicate with God in the deserted vale.   Only the memory of the roaming bees has recorded my sorrow.   Or I may pour my sorrow along with the cascades tumbling over the cliff,   And drift away among the red leaves.   At each of her motions she feels the weight of her sorrow increasing;   No fire of a setting sun can burn the ennui of time   Into ashes to float away through the chimneys and attach themselves   To the wings of itinerant crows,   And with them perch on the rocks of a roaring sea,   To listen to the boatmen’s songs.   Signs of her timeworn skirts,   As she saunters in a graveyard.   Never will she again drop a hot tear   On the lawn   To adorn this world.   (Kai-yu Hsu 译)
The region is struggling under the cumulative effects of concurrent and continuous crises.该地区的危机接踵而至,持续不绝,累积效应令其应接不暇。
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