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【美国成语】Stick Out One's Neck

时间:2013/10/9 来源:通文通译 浏览次数:2718

【美国成语】Stick Out One's Neck

成语:Stick Out One's Neck

释义:take a risk

How come they're asking me to act as their guide through the jungle? Evidently they think you're the only one who can lead them to the lost temple. That jungle has danger lurking around every corner. Why should I stick my neck out for them? They didn't pay me for my services. They know that you would be taking a great risk and could possiblly get hurt, but you're the only one with enough knowledge to take them to their destination. I'm sure you'll be amply rewarded.
The region is struggling under the cumulative effects of concurrent and continuous crises.该地区的危机接踵而至,持续不绝,累积效应令其应接不暇。....