

时间:2013/5/7 来源:Twin 浏览次数:1005
  中国古代药王神农氏  Shennong, the celebrated herbal master of ancient China
  中医史上的萌芽阶段  the embryo stage in the development of TCM
  战国时期  the Warring States Period
  黄帝内经  Huang Di’s Classic of internal Medicine
  神农本草经  Shennong’s herbal classic
  主治、功用和毒性  primary treatments, functions and toxic character
  药典  pharmacopoeia
  救死扶伤  healing the sick and saving the dying
  职业道德规范  professional work ethic
  食补保健  food treatment approach
  延缓衰老  defer senility
  相互作用、互为依存  be of mutual influence and interdependence
  有机的整体  an organic whole
  诊断疾病  diagnose disease
  阴阳对立制约  yin and yang are mutually opposing and constraining
  互根互用  be interdependent and mutually promoting
  消长平衡  proportionally change with the decrease of one, resulting in, or from the increase of the other
  相互转化  mutually transformational
  健康的要素  be essential for the maintenance of good health
  指导思想  guiding concept
  临床治疗方法  clinical treatment
  针灸疗法  acupuncture and moxibustion
  按摩推拿  medical massage
  气功疗法  deep breathing exercises
  赢得广泛赞誉  win worldwide acclaim
  中医专业队伍  TCM professionals
  综合医院  general hospital
  astrobiology  天体生物学
  nitrogen  氮
  hydrogen 氢
  oxygen  氧气
  photosynthesis  光合作用
  equilibrium  平衡
  meteor  流星
  embedded  埋植
  carbon compound  碳化合物
  hypothesis  假设
  Antarctic  南极的
  aesthetics  审美观
  the Leonid meteor showers  狮子座流星雨
  debris  碎片
  comet  彗星
  The Azores  亚速尔群岛
  Infrared spectrographs  红外线摄谱仪
  organic molecule  有机分子
  spectrographic  摄谱的
  disseminate  散布
  prebiotic life  前生物生命
  galaxy  银河系