

时间:2011/9/12 来源:帮考网 浏览次数:3106

  A: Hey, Joe! Where have you been these past few days?
  A: 嗨,乔,这些天去哪儿了?
  B: I’ve been busy with a first aid course that I started about a week ago at the Red Cross.
  B: 我一周前在红十字会那里参加了一个急救课程,现在在学呢。
  A: Cool! I’ve always wanted to do something like that! Have you learned anything useful?
  A: 真酷,我也一直想做点那样的事。你学到什么有用的东西了吗?
  B: For sure! I mean we’ve learned how to apply pressure to stop bleeding, how to check for a pulse, and even how to apply CPR!
  B: 当然。我学会了如何通过按压来止血,如何来检查脉搏,还学了如何用心肺复苏法。
  A: Have you treated any real emergencies?
  A: Have you treated any real emergencies?
  A: 你处理过实际的紧急事故吗?
  B: Well, they took us along with some paramedics. There was this guy who fell off his motorcycle and suffered a concussion as well as a couple of compound fractures. His wounds were pretty serious so they had to rush him to the hospital. It was intense!
  B: 他们让一些护理人员带我们去处理过。有一个人从摩托上摔下来,他有点脑震荡,还有几处复合骨折。他伤得很严重,所以他们必须飞速将他送往医院,真是很紧急。
  A: I can imagine! I tend to faint when I see blood, so I think I won’t be taking up a course like that anytime soon!
  A: 我能想象得到,但是我一看到血就晕,所以我想我近期应该不会去参加那样的课的。
  14.   高级口译考试之口语攻略
  1. Introduction
  introduction可以由opening remarks、Thesis statement和Preview of main points组成。完整地讲完可以占到一分钟到一分半。一个好的introduction会给考官留下非常深刻的第一印象,也占到口语测试中一大半内容。
  Opening remarks也就是我们常说的开场白,一个生动的开场白可以赢得很好的印象分,Opening remarks可有多种形式,最常用的方法是State a relevant fact,即根据topic的范畴,讲述一个与其相关的事例和现象。比如,2002年9月的topic是:Should undergraduates be allowed to get married。你可以从“扩限”这个现象谈起,全国大学入学条件取消了对于年龄和婚姻状况的限制,也就意味着大学生群体中不可避免地会出现已婚人群,继而引入在校大学生能否结婚这个问题。
  Thesis statement是自己对于Topic提出的观点,也叫中心句。通常口语测试给的Topic都是一个开放式的argument。在开场白之后,应该用一个完整的陈述句表述自己的立场和观点。接下来所要阐述内容都应该围绕这个中心。
  Preview of the main points是预先把自己支持thesis statement的论点一一列出。在5分钟的准备时间里应好好构思论点,一般3个即可。第一个论点是重点,一般考官会在听完你的第一个论点后就喊停,而你在introduction里面如果完整地罗列出你准备的三个论点,即不浪费自己的成果,有也体现自己表达的逻辑性。
  在语言方面,不求书面表达那样复杂,可以借助短句和具体的事例来表达自己的想法。语音语调力求清晰饱满,句型结构张弛有度,内容上言之有物,要树立一个“well-trained and full of confidence”的形象。
  下面是2005年5月的考题:Should we legalize euthanasia。列举一个理想的introduction:
  Euthanasia, or mercy killing can hasten the death of hopelessly ill individuals so that death will occur naturally and quickly. In most countries, it is an act raising serious moral issues or even against the law. However, individuals brought to trial for actual mercy killings are rarely convicted.
  There was a famous case with Anna in America. She unknowingly took a damaging drug during her pregnancy, which caused her baby girl to be born severely disfigured and totally deaf and blind. The girl was expected to live a normal life span and f normal intelligence. But to survive, she would have to undergo numerous operations. Anna loved her baby so much and believed her child's normal intelligence would only make her more cruelly aware of her fate. One night she put her to bed and gave her a bottle containing a strong sedative. The baby died painlessly during the night. Anna was accused of killing. But a survey of more than 10,000 people indicated that over 98 percent agreed with Anna's action. When she stood trial, the jury found Anna not guilty. (Opening Remarks)
  The majority of persons brought to trial for mercy killing are usually found innocent. As many countries have legalized mercy killing, it’s high time to establish a legal system to deal with the issue of euthanasia. (Thesis Statement)


