当前位置:主页> MTI> 翻译硕士专业学位入学考试常考词汇
时间:2011/8/19 来源:Twin 浏览次数:2308

  major and serious criminal cases 大要案
  all-round responsibility system 大包干
  use doggy bags to take food home 打包
  take the crown 夺冠
  households to be relocated 动迁户
  crack down on counterfeit goods 打假
  ASEAN 东盟 (Association of South-East Asian Nations)
  paid holiday 带薪假期
  Office of Cracking down on Fake Products 打假办
  floating debt 短期债务
  the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
  crack down on speculation and profiteering 打黑
  independent director 独立董事
  diversified economy 多种经营
  blockbuster 大轰动
  unilateralism 单边主义
  tycoon 大款
  white wash 大胜
  open one's eyes 大开眼界
  target hitting activities 达标活动
  jerry-built project 豆腐渣工程
  grand slam 大满贯
  hammer 大力扣杀
  independent accounting unit (enterprise)独立核算工业企业
  attract foreign investment 对外招商
  countdown 倒计时
  junior college student 大专生
  dead account 呆帐
  await job assignment 待岗 (post-waiting)
  embezzlement 盗用公款
  break the deadlock 打破僵局
  start a solo run 单刀赴会
  the only child in one's family 独生子女
  speculative reselling of tickets 倒票
  profiteer 倒爷
  tertiary industry 第三产业(service sector)
  Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts 邓小平外交思想
  revoke license 吊销执照
  first server 第一发球员
  VCD pirated VCD 盗版
  money at call and short notice 短期放款
  computer illiterate 电脑盲
  combat corruption and build a clean government 反腐倡廉
  bring about a complete turnabout 反败为胜
  second-rater 二流选手
  distribution (产品)分销
  floating wages 浮动工资
  fancier 发烧友
  real estate management 房管
  property right certificate 房权证
  Poverty Relief Office 扶贫办
  installment payment 分期付款
  real estate evaluator 房产评估师
  property ownership certificate 房产证
  poverty alleviation 扶贫
  juris master 法学硕士
  corporate shares 法人股
  inter-disciplinary talent 复合型人才
  supplemental accident insurance 附加意外险
  venture capital 风险资金
  flood-prevention project 防洪工程
  like water off(on) a duck's back (把...当作)耳边风
  anti-dumping measures against 反倾销措施
  hyperinflation 恶性通货膨胀



