“理念”(idea),是柏拉图哲学里的核心术语,如今在中文日常话语以及时政话语等各种语境下的应用极为广泛,语义由此也变得比较宽泛和含混,翻译起来殊为不易。在时政话语里, “理念”通常表达重大的思想、原则、观点等,根据具体语境可以相应地翻译成 idea、vision、principle等。 我们党以巨大的政治勇气和强烈的责任担当,提出一系列新理念新思想新战略。 Our Party has demonstrated tremendous political courage and a powerful sense of mission as it has developed new ideas, new thinking, and new strategies.(XI JINPING THE GOVERNANCE OF CHINA Ⅲ, P9) 在例1中,新理念与新思想新战略并列,指的是一系列重大思想观点,因此翻译成复数的 ideas。 坚定不移贯彻新发展理念,坚决端正发展观念、转变发展方式,发展质量和效益不断提升。 We have remained committed to the new development philosophy, adopted the right approach to development, and endeavored to transform the growth model. The result has been a constant improvement in the quality and effect of development.(idem. P3) 必须坚定不移贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念。 We must pursue with firmness of purpose the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development that is for everyone.(idem. P23) 在例2和例3中,“发展理念”分别被译为 the new development philosophy”和“the vision of development”,前者侧重于作为一个整体体系的理念,后者更侧重于强调具体的某种理念。 树立宪法法律至上、法律面前人人平等的法治理念 We will increase public awareness of the principle underlying rule of law that the Constitution and the law are above everything else and that everyone is equal before the law.(idem. P41) 按照亲诚惠容理念和与邻为善、以邻为伴周边外交方针深化同周边国家关系,秉持正确义利观和真实亲诚理念加强同发展中国家团结合作。 China will deepen relations with its neighbors in accordance with the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness and the policy of forging friendship and partnership with its neighbors. China will, guided by the principle of upholding justice while pursuing shared interests and the principle of sincerity, real results, affinity, and good faith, work to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries.(idem. P64) 在例4和例5中,“理念”指的是基本的原则和规范,因此译为 principle 是准确的。 我们秉持“两岸一家亲”理念,尊重台湾现有的社会制度和台湾同胞生活方式,愿意率先同台湾同胞分享大陆发展的机遇。 Guided by the conviction that we are all of the same family, we respect the current social system and way of life in Taiwan and are ready to share the development opportunities on the mainland with our Taiwan compatriots first.(idem. P61) 在例6中,“理念”更强调的是两岸共同的一种共识和信念,也即 conviction。 必须树立和践行绿水青山就是金山银山的理念。 We must realize that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets and act on this understanding.(idem. P25) 全党全国贯彻绿色发展理念的自觉性和主动性显著增强,忽视生态环境保护的状况明显改变。 The entire Party and the whole country have become more purposeful and active in pursuing green development, and there has been a clear shift away from the tendency to neglect ecological and environmental protection.(idem. P6) 必须推进马克思主义中国化时代化大众化,建设具有强大凝聚力和引领力的社会主义意识形态,使全体人民在理想信念、价值理念、道德观念上紧紧团结在一起。 We must continue to adapt Marxism to China’s conditions, keep it up-to-date, and enhance its popular appeal. We will develop socialist ideology that has the ability to unite and the power to inspire the people to embrace shared ideals, convictions, values, and moral standards.(idem. P44) 树立安全发展理念,弘扬生命至上、安全第一的思想。 We will promote safe development, and raise public awareness that life matters most and that safety comes first.(idem. P52) 上述译例中,“理念”均未翻出,是因为这里的“理念”一词主要发挥的是范畴词的作用,就是用来同义强调一下词前所述的具体的理念内容,因此可以不译。这种范畴词的使用是现代中文特别是中文时政话语的一种重要特色表达,除强调语义的作用外,也有契合汉语音韵审美的需求(比如例9中连续三个以“念”字结尾排比的四字格)。 转载自翻译参考,仅供交流、学习之用,版权归原作者、原出处所有,若有侵犯了您的合法权益,请联系我们进行更正、删除,谢谢!