【例 1】
【外专】 Shortly you will come to four impressive stone pillars topped by four animal statues– a turtle, an elephant, a pair of fish in foaming waters, and a fourth whose precise taxonomical classification escapes me. The pillars carry four characters in red –ZhongHuaJing Shen– meaning“Essence of the Chinese Spirit”. (摘自《生态北京:绿韵新城》)
【定稿】 Shortly you will come to five impressive stone pillars topped by five animal statues – a turtle, an elephant, a pair of fish in foaming waters, a Hou (one of the nine sons of the dragon), and a Pixiu (a mythical fierce animal). The pillars carry five characters in red –ZhongHua Jing Yin Gu–meaning “Valley of FineChinese Seals”.
这是外文出版社与北京外宣办合作的“美丽北京”系列图书,由外籍作者用英文直接创作,分别出版英、中两个版本,【例 1】出自其中的《生态北京:绿韵新城》。外籍作者对汉字和中国传统文化的掌握有限,这段描写出现了事实性错误,审定要有核实信息的意识和能力。图片搜索可以发现,八大处公园的中华精印谷,有五根石柱,上方分别有五种石兽(龟、象、鱼、朝天吼、貔貅)。
【例 2】
【原文】 碑刻名为《元景造像记》,因刻于北魏太和 (477-499)年间,亦称“太和碑”。(摘自《中国概况-辽宁卷》)
【翻译】 On the monument is engraved, “Statues from a Distance”, and because the inscriptions were done during the Northern Wei Taihe years (477-499), it is also known as the “Taihe Monument”.
【定稿】 On the monument is engraved, “The Annals of Yuan Jing Building Statues for Emperor Xiaowen”, and because the inscriptions were done during the Taihe period (477-499) of theNorthern Wei Dynasty (386-534), it is also known as the “Taihe Tablet”.
外文出版社的《中国概况》出版项目,与各省、自治区、直辖市外宣办合作,按省分卷介绍行政区划、经济、历史、文化、名胜等,首次启用了懂中文的外籍译者,【例 2】出自辽宁卷。外籍译者对古迹碑文的理解有误,且没能传达有效信息。北魏年间,营州(今朝阳)刺史元景为孝文皇帝及眷属禳灾祈福而建造了万佛堂石窟和太和碑,《元景造像记》是太和碑的碑文。文题如果直译,对英文读者来说毫无意义,需要补充人物、功用等历史信息,兼顾表达简洁。
【例 3】
【原文】 沈阳故宫是中国大陆现存完整的两座宫殿建筑群之一。沈阳故宫博物院不仅是古代宫殿建筑群,还以丰富的珍贵收藏而著称于海内外,故宫内陈列了大量旧皇宫遗留下来的宫廷文物,清代入关前,其皇宫设在沈阳,迁都北京后,这座皇宫被称作“陪都宫殿”、“留都宫殿”。后来就称之为沈阳故宫。(摘自《中国概况-辽宁卷》)
【翻译】 The Imperial Palace in Shenyang is one of the two existing intact palace complexes in China, and is also widely known locally and internationally for the abundant collections housed in its museum. A large number of relics from the old imperial court are on display in the palace. Before the advent of the Qing Dynasty, its imperial palace was located in Shenyang. After moving toBeijing, the palace was called the “ProvisionalCapital Palace” or “Old Capital Palace”. Later it became known as the ImperialPalace of Shenyang.
【改写】 沈阳故宫是中国大陆现存完整的两座宫殿建筑群之一,以丰富的珍贵收藏而闻名。清代入关前,其皇宫设在沈阳。迁都北京后,这座皇宫被称作“陪都宫殿”、“留都宫殿”,后称之为沈阳故宫,陈列了大量旧皇宫遗留下来的宫廷文物。
【定稿】 The ImperialPalace in Shenyang is one of the two existing intact palace complexes in China,and is also known for the abundant collections housed in its museum. Before the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) conquered the Central Plains through the Shanhaiguan Pass, its imperial palace was located in Shenyang. After the Qing capital was moved to Beijing, the palace was called the “Provisional Capital Palace” or “OldCapital Palace”, later known as the Imperial Palace in Shenyang, where a large number of relics from the old Qing court are on display.