
作 者: (法)拉伯雷;译者:王勋、纪飞
出 版 社: 清华大学出版社 出版时间: 2013-04-27
ISBN: 9787302303312 开 本: 16开
  本书主要内容由王勋、纪飞编译。参加本书故事素材搜集整理及编译工作的还有郑佳、刘乃亚、赵雪、熊金玉、李丽秀、熊红华、王婷婷、孟宪行、胡国平、李晓红、贡东兴、陈楠、邵舒丽、冯洁、王业伟、徐鑫、王晓旭、周丽萍、熊建国、徐平国、肖洁、王小红等。限于我们的科学、人文素养和英语水平,书中难免会有不当之处,衷心希望读者朋友批评 指正。
  弗朗西斯·拉伯雷(Francois Rabelais,约1490—1553)欧洲文艺复兴时期法国最著名的人文主义作家。
第一部 庞大固埃的父亲——
The Author’s Prologue to the First Book

作者前言/Prologue 2
第一章 卡刚杜阿的谱系和家史/
Chapter 1 Of the Genealogy and Antiquity of Gargantua 7
第二章 慢在古墓中发现的《解毒之歌》/
Chapter 2 The Antidoted Fanfreluches: or, a Galimatia
of Extravagant Conceits Found in an Ancient Monument 11
第三章 卡刚杜阿是怎样在娘胎中待够十一个月的/
Chapter 3 How Gargantua was carried eleven
months in his mother’s belly 17
第四章 加加梅尔怀孕后吃了许多牛内脏/
Chapter 4 How Gargamelle, being great with Gargantua,
did eat a huge deal of tripes 24
第五章 喝醉者的对话/
Chapter 5 The Discourse of the Drinkers 28
第六章 卡刚杜阿的神奇降生/
Chapter 6 How Gargantua was born in a strange manner 35
第七章 卡刚杜阿的得名和喝酒/
Chapter 7 After What Manner Gargantua Had His Name Given
Him, and How He Tippled, Bibbed, and Curried the Can 43
第八章 为卡刚杜阿制作衣服/
Chapter 8 How They Apparelled Gargantua 48
第九章 卡刚杜阿的风采/
Chapter 9 The Colours and Liveries of Gargantua 55
第十章 白色和蓝色各自的意义/
Chapter 10 Of That Which is Signified by the Colours White and Blue 59
第十一章 卡刚杜阿的童年时光/
Chapter 11 Of The Youthful Age of Gargantua 68
第十二章 卡刚杜阿的木马/
Chapter 12 Of Gargantua’s Wooden Horses 74
第十三章 大古希尔发现了卡刚杜阿的聪明才智/
Chapter 13 How Gargantua’s Wonderful Understanding Became
Known to His Father Grangousier, By the Invention of a
Torchecul or Wipebreech 80
第十四章 卡刚杜阿如何跟着诡辩家学拉丁语/
Chapter 14 How Gargantua was taught Latin by a Sophister 87
第十五章 卡刚杜阿换了老师/
Chapter 15 How Gargantua was Put Under Other Schoolmasters 93
第十六章 卡刚杜阿驱马前往巴黎,母马赶走蚊蝇/
Chapter 16 How Gargantua was Sent to Paris, and of the Huge Great
Mare That He Rode on; How She Destroyed the Oxflies of the Beauce 99
第十七章 卡刚杜阿如何获得巴黎人的欢迎/
Chapter 17 How Gargantua Paid His Welcome to the Parisians,
and How he Took Away the Great Bells of Our Lady’s Church 105
第十八章 布拉格玛多去向卡刚杜阿讨回大钟/
Chapter 18 How Janotus De Bragmardo was Sent To
Gargantua To Recover the Great Bells 113
第十九章 布拉格玛多大师慷慨陈词/
Chapter 19 The Oration of Master Janotus De Bragmardo
for Recovery of the Bells 117
第二十章 神学大师拿走衣服,并和其他大师打官司/
Chapter 20 How the Sophister Carried Away His Cloth,
And How He Had A Suit in Law Against the Other Masters 123
第二十一章 卡刚杜阿跟随神学大师学习/
Chapter 21 The Study of Gargantua, According to the
Discipline of His Schoolmasters the Sophisters 129
第二十二章 卡刚杜阿的游戏/
Chapter 22 The games of Gargantua 136
第二十三章 卡刚杜阿跟随波诺克拉特学习,珍惜时光/
Chapter 23 How Gargantua was Instructed by Ponocrates, and in
Such Sort Disciplinated, That He Lost Not One Hour of the Day 144
第二十四章 卡刚杜阿在下雨天里节约时间/
Chapter 24 How Gargantua Spent His Time in Rainy Weather 157
第二十五章 勒内的烘焙师和卡刚杜阿家乡的人发生争端,大打出手/
Chapter 25 How There was Great Strife and Debate Raised Betwixt
the Cake-Bakers of Lerne, and Those of Gargantua’s Country,
Whereupon were Waged Great Wars 162
第二十六章 勒内人在雷霆王的带领下袭击牧羊人/
Chapter 26 How the Inhabitants Of Lerne, By the Commandment
Of Picrochole Their King, Assaulted the Shepherds Of Gargantua
Unexpectedly and on A Sudden 167
第二十七章 瑟维尔的一名教士保护寺院,阻止敌人侵袭/
Chapter 27 How A Monk of Seville Saved the Close of
the Abbey From Being Ransacked By the Enemy 171
第二十八章 皮科洛肖突袭克莱蒙岩石,大古希尔被迫应战/
Chapter 28 How Picrochole Stormed and Took By Assault the
Rock Clermond, and of Grangousier’s Unwillingness and
Aversion From the Undertaking of War 183
第二十九章 大古希尔给儿子的信/
Chapter 29 The Tenour of the Letter Which Grangousier
Wrote To His Son Gargantua 188
第三十章 乌尔里克·加雷受命拜见皮科洛肖/
Chapter 30 How Ulric Gallet was Sent Unto Picrochole 190
第三十一章 加雷的慷慨陈词/
Chapter 31 The Speech Made By Gallet to Picrochole 192
第三十二章 大古希尔退还烤饼以期停战/
Chapter 32 How Grangousier, To Buy Peace, Caused the
Cakes To Be Restored 196
第三十三章 臣子们连出昏招,雷霆王遇到了大麻烦/
Chapter 33 How Some Statesmen of Picrochole, By
Hairbrained Counsel, Put Him in Extreme Danger 200
第三十四章 卡刚杜阿从巴黎起程回国,吉姆耐斯特途中遇到敌军/
Chapter 34 How Gargantua Left the City of Paris To Succour His
Country, and How Gymnast Encountered With the Enemy 209
第三十五章 吉姆耐斯特用计杀死了卫队长和敌人的士兵/
Chapter 35 How Gymnast Very Souply and Cunningly
Killed Captain Tripet and Others of Picrochole’s Men 214
第三十六章 卡刚杜阿捣毁菲代的桥头堡,率兵渡河/
Chapter 36 How Gargantua Demolished the Castle at the
Ford of Vede, and How They Passed the Ford 218
第三十七章 卡刚杜阿梳头,梳出来许多炮弹/
Chapter 37 How Gargantua, in Combing His Head,
Made the Great Cannon-Balls Fall Out of His Hair 225
第三十八章 卡刚杜阿吃生菜的时候吃掉了六个朝圣者/
Chapter 38 How Gargantua Did Eat Up Six Pilgrims in A Salad 228
第三十九章 卡刚杜阿宴请约翰修士,修士在席间妙语如珠/
Chapter 39 How the Monk was Feasted By Gargantua,
and of the Jovial Discourse They Had at Supper 235
第四十章 为何人们不喜欢修士,为何有的修士鼻子长有的鼻子短/
Chapter 40 Why Monks are the Outcasts of the World;
and Wherefore Some Have Bigger Noses Than Others 241
第四十一章 约翰修士让卡刚杜阿睡着,并且解释祈祷文/
Chapter 41 How the Monk Made Gargantua Sleep,
and of His Hours and Breviaries 246
第四十二章 修士给大家鼓舞士气,自己却挂在了树上/
Chapter 42 How the Monk Encouraged His Fellow-
Champions, and How He Hanged Upon A Tree 250
第四十三章 雷霆王的前锋遭遇卡刚杜阿,约翰修士杀了德拉弗斯
Chapter 43 How the Scouts and Fore-Party of Picrochole were Met
With By Gargantua, and How the Monk Slew Captain Drawforth (Tirevant.),
and Then was Taken Prisoner By His Enemies 254
第四十四章 修士杀死敌人的看守,雷霆王的先锋被挫败/
Chapter 44 How the Monk Rid Himself of His Keepers,
and How Picrochole’s Forlorn Hope was Defeated 261
第四十五章 约翰修士带回了朝圣者,大古希尔安慰这些人/
Chapter 45 How the Monk Carried Along With Him the
Pilgrims, and of the Good Words That Grangousier Gave Them 266
第四十六章 大古希尔善待俘虏杜克福赛/
Chapter 46 How Grangousier Did Very Kindly
Entertain Touchfaucet His Prisoner 273
第四十七章 大古希尔安排进攻,杜克福赛被雷霆王处死/
Chapter 47 How Grangousier Sent for His Legions, and How
Touchfaucet Slew Rashcalf, and was Afterwards Executed By
the Command of Picrochole 277
第四十八章 卡刚杜阿进攻克莱蒙岩石,大败雷霆王/
Chapter 48 How Gargantua Set Upon Picrochole Within the Rock
Clermond, and Utterly Defeated the Army of the Said Picrochole 285
第四十九章 雷霆王大败而归,卡刚杜阿收拾残局/
Chapter 49 How Picrochole in His Flight Fell Into Great
Misfortunes, and What Gargantua Did After the Battle 293
第五十章 卡刚杜阿对战败者演讲/
Chapter 50 Gargantua’s Speech to the Vanquished 297
第五十一章 卡刚杜阿凯旋并论功行赏/
Chapter 51 How the Victorious Gargantuists were
Recompensed After the Battle 304
第五十二章 卡刚杜阿为约翰修士建造德勒美教堂/
Chapter 52 How Gargantua Caused To Be Built for the Monk
the Abbey of Theleme 310
第五十三章 卡刚杜阿为德勒美修道院的建设提供款项/
Chapter 53 How the Abbey of the Thelemites
was Built and Endowed 314
第五十四章 德勒美修道院大门上的铭文/
Chapter 54 The Inscription Set Upon the
Great Gate of Theleme 319
第五十五章 德勒美修道院的内部结构/
Chapter 55 What Manner of Dwelling the Thelemites Had 325
第五十六章 德勒美修道院里人们的打扮/
Chapter 56 How the Men and Women of the Religious
Order of Theleme were Apparelled 329
第五十七章 德勒美修道院里的生活方式/
Chapter 57 How the Thelemites were Governed, and of
Their Manner of Living 334
第五十八章 隐喻的字谜/
Chapter 58 A prophetical Riddle 340

第二部 卡刚杜阿的儿子,
The Second Book for the Reader

作者前言/The Author’s Prologue 352
第一章 巨人庞大固埃的远古祖先/
Chapter 1 Of the Original and Antiquity of the Great Pantagruel 357
第二章 庞大固埃的诞生/
Chapter 2 Of the Nativity of the Most Dread
and Redoubted Pantagruel 366
第三章 卡刚杜阿因为妻子的去世而大声痛哭/
Chapter 3 Of the Grief Wherewith Gargantua was
Moved at the Decease of His Wife Badebec 374
第四章 庞大固埃的童年时光/
Chapter 4 Of the Infancy of Pantagruel 380
第五章 庞大固埃少年时期的逸事/
Chapter 5 Of the Acts of the Noble Pantagruel in His Youthful Age 386
第六章 庞大怪遇到了法语说得一团糟的利目辛人/
Chapter 6 How Pantagruel Met With A Limousin,
Who Too Affectedly Did Counterfeit the French Language 394
第七章 庞大固埃来到巴黎,发现圣维克托图书馆内藏书众多/
Chapter 7 How Pantagruel Came To Paris, and of the Choice
Books of the Library of St. Victor 399
第八章 庞大固埃在巴黎收到父亲卡刚杜阿的家书/
Chapter 8 How Pantagruel, Being at Paris, Received Letters
From His Father Gargantua, AND The Copy of Them 409
第九章 庞大固埃遇到巴努其,两人此后从未分离/
Chapter 9 How Pantagruel Found Panurge, Whom
He Loved All His Lifetime 418
第十章 庞大固埃智断奇案,因为公正无私而受到了人们的敬仰/
Chapter 10 How Pantagruel Judged So Equitably of A Controversy,
Which was Wonderfully Obscure and Difficult, That, By Reason of
His Just Decree Therein, He was Reputed To Have A Most
Admirable Judgment 425
第十一章 原告和被告在庞大固埃面前亲自辩论/
Chapter 11 How the Lords of Kissbreech and
Suckfist Did Plead Before Pantagruel Without An Attorney 434
第十二章 被告老爷在庞大固埃面前进行抗辩/
Chapter 12 How the Lord of Suckfist Pleaded
Before Pantagruel 442
第十三章 庞大固埃做出判决/
Chapter 13 How Pantagruel Gave Judgment Upon
the Difference of the Two Lords 449
第十四章 巴努其讲述自己从土耳其人手里逃脱的故事/
Chapter 14 How Panurge Related the Manner How He
Escaped Out of the Hands of the Turks 455
第十五章 巴努其提出修建巴黎城墙的全新办法/
Chapter 15 How Panurge Showed A Very New Way
To Build the Walls of Paris 467
第十六章 巴努其的日常生活习惯/
Chapter 16 Of the Qualities and Conditions of Panurge 473
第十七章 巴努其挣到赎罪钱,让一位老妇人出家,
Chapter 17 How Panurge Gained the Pardons, and Married the
Old Women, and of the Suit in Law Which He Had At Paris 481
第十八章 英国学者来挑战庞大固埃,最后却被巴努其击败/
Chapter 18 How A Great Scholar of England Would Have
Argued Against Pantagruel, and was Overcome By Panurge 489
第十九章 巴努其完胜用手势辩论的英国学者/
Chapter 19 How Panurge Put To A Nonplus the
Englishman That Argued By Signs 498
第二十章 英国学者承认巴努其是一个德才兼备的人/
Chapter 20 How Thaumast Relateth the Virtues
and Knowledge of Panurge 505
第二十一章 巴努其喜欢上了一位巴黎贵妇/
Chapter 21 How Panurge was in Love With A Lady of Paris 510
第二十二章 巴努其报复不肯就范的贵妇/
Chapter 22 How Panurge Served A Parisian Lady
A Trick That Pleased Her Not Very Well 518
第二十三章 庞大固埃听说敌人入侵,匆匆忙忙离开了巴黎/
Chapter 23 How Pantagruel Departed From Paris, Hearing News
That the Dipsodes Had Invaded the Land of the Amaurots; and
the Cause Wherefore the Leagues are So Short in France 525
第二十四章 巴黎的一位美丽女子给庞大固埃寄来了一封信以及一枚金戒指/
Chapter 24 A Letter Which A Messenger Brought To Pantagruel
From A Lady of Paris, Together With the Exposition of A Posy
Written in A Gold Ring 529
第二十五章 庞大固埃的四名伙伴,也就是巴努其等人,用计战胜六百骑兵/
Chapter 25 How Panurge, Carpalin, Eusthenes, and Epistemon, the
Gentlemen Attendants of Pantagruel, Vanquished and Discomfited
Six Hundred and Threescore Horsemen Very Cunningly 537
第二十六章 大家都不喜欢吃咸肉,于是卡帕林动身去打猎/
Chapter 26 How Pantagruel And His Company were Weary
in Eating Still Salt Meats; And How Carpalin Went A-Hunting
To Have Some Venison 542
第二十七章 庞大固埃立碑纪念战功,巴努其立碑纪念兔子,
Chapter 27 How Pantagruel Set Up One Trophy In Memorial
of Their Valour, and Panurge Another in Remembrance of The
Hares. How Pantagruel Likewise With His Farts Begat Little Men,
and With His Fisgs Little Women; and How Panurge Broke
A Great Staff Over Two Glasses 548
第二十八章 庞大固埃巧妙用计,大败对方的迪普索士兵和巨人/
Chapter 28 How Pantagruel Got the Victory Very Strangely
Over the Dipsodes and the Giants 554
第二十九章 庞大固埃击败敌人的三百巨人以及首领/
Chapter 29 How Pantagruel Discomfited the Three Hundred Giants
Armed With Free-Stone, and Loupgarou Their Captain 561
第三十章 埃比斯特蒙的喉咙被割断,巴努其将他救了回来,前者
Chapter 30 How Epistemon, Who Had His Head Cut Off, was
Finely Healed By Panurge, and of the News Which He Brought
From the Devils, and of the Damned People in Hell 571
第三十一章 庞大固埃回到都城,巴努其给阿内什国王找伴,还让
Chapter 31 How Pantagruel Entered Into the City Of The Amaurots,
And How Panurge Married King Anarchus To An Old Lantern-Carrying
Hag, And Made Him A Crier of Green Sauce 587
第三十二章 庞大固埃用舌头遮盖了整支军队,以及作者从他的嘴
Chapter 32 How Pantagruel with his tongue covered a whole
army, and what the author saw in his mouth. 595
第三十三章 庞大固埃生病, 后来被治愈了/
Chapter 33 How Pantagruel became sick,
and the manner how he was recovered 602
第三十四章 本书作者在结局处向读者致歉/
Chapter 34 The conclusion of this present book,
and the excuse of the author 607

第三部 善良的庞大固埃英勇言行录
Francois Rabelais to the Soul of the Deceased Queen of Navarre

作者前言/The Author’s Prologue 614
第一章 庞大固埃从乌有国向迪普索移民/
Chapter 1 How Pantagruel transported a colony
of Utopians into Dipsody 625
第二章 巴努其到迪普索的萨米贡丁地区担任总督,寅吃卯粮/
Chapter 2 How Panurge was made Laird of Salmigondin in
Dipsody, and did waste his revenue before it came in 631
第三章 巴努其对债权人和放贷者大加赞赏/
Chapter 3 How Panurge praiseth the debtors and borrowers 638
第四章 巴努其继续称赞债权人/
Chapter 4 Panurge continueth his discourse in the praise
of borrowers and lenders 647
第五章 庞大固埃痛恨借贷关系和债权人/
Chapter 5 How Pantagruel altogether abhorreth
the debtors and borrowers 653
第六章 为什么新婚的男人不需要上战场/
Chapter 6 Why new married men were privileged
from going to the wars 659
第七章 巴努其耳朵里面长了虱子/
Chapter 7 How Panurge had a flea in his ear, and
forbore to wear any longer his magnificent codpiece 665
第八章 巴努其陈述自己对战士服装的看法/
Chapter 8 Why the codpiece is held to be the
chief piece of armour amongst warriors 671
第九章 巴努其请庞大固埃定夺自己是否应该结婚/
Chapter 9 How Panurge asketh counsel of Pantagruel
whether he should marry, yea, or no 678
第十章 庞大固埃告诉巴努其劝一个人结婚很困难,并用荷马和
Chapter 10 How Pantagruel representeth unto Panurge the difficulty
of giving advice in the matter of marriage; and to that purpose
mentioneth somewhat of the Homeric and Virgilian lotteries 686
第十一章 庞大固埃指出掷骰子占卜的方法不正确/
Chapter 11 How Pantagruel showeth the trial of one’s
fortune by the throwing of dice to be unlawful 694
第十二章 庞大固埃用维吉尔的作品为巴努其占卜婚姻生活/
Chapter 12 How Pantagruel doth explore by the Virgilian
lottery what fortune Panurge shall have in his marriage 699
第十三章 庞大固埃建议巴努其用做梦的方法来预测自己终身大事的凶吉/
Chapter 13 How Pantagruel adviseth Panurge to try
the future good or bad luck of his marriage by dreams 707
第十四章 巴努其的梦境以及对梦的解析/
Chapter 14 Panurge’s dream, with the interpretation thereof 717
第十五章 巴努其的道歉以及对修道院咸牛肉的解释/
Chapter 15 Panurge’s excuse and exposition of the
monastic mystery concerning powdered beef 726
第十六章 庞大固埃建议巴努其去潘祖斯特找一位女预言师/
Chapter 16 How Pantagruel adviseth Panurge to consult
with the Sibyl of Panzoust 732
第十七章 巴努其和潘祖斯特的女预言师交流/
Chapter 17 How Panurge spoke to the Sibyl of Panzoust 737
第十八章 庞大固埃和巴努其对于预言结果的理解完全不同/
Chapter 18 How Pantagruel and Panurge did diversely
expound the verses of the Sibyl of Panzoust 745
第十九章 庞大固埃决定找哑巴为巴努其预测未来/
Chapter 19 How Pantagruel praiseth the counselof dumb men 751
第二十章 哥亚特诺斯用手势给巴努其提建议/
Chapter 20 How Goatsnose by signs maketh answer to Panurge 758
第二十一章 巴努其向一位法国的老诗人寻求建议/
Chapter 21 How Panurge consulteth with an old French poet,
named Raminagrobis 765
第二十二章 巴努其为托钵会的僧侣辩护/
Chapter 22 How Panurge patrocinates and defendeth
the Order of the Begging Friars 771
第二十三章 巴努其寻找回到老诗人身边的借口/
Chapter 23 How Panurge maketh the motion of
a return to Raminagrobis 776
第二十四章 巴努其向埃比斯特蒙寻求帮助/
Chapter 24 How Panurge consulteth with Epistemon 787
第二十五章 巴努其向特里帕大人寻求帮助/
Chapter 25 How Panurge consulteth with Herr Trippa 793
第二十六章 巴努其向约翰修士寻求建议/
Chapter 26 How Panurge consulteth with Friar John
of the Funnels 802
第二十七章 约翰修士轻松愉快地劝导巴努其/
Chapter 27 How Friar John merrily and sportingly
counselleth Panurge 809
第二十八章 约翰修士安慰怀疑自己会戴绿帽子的巴努其/
Chapter 28 How Friar John Comforteth Panuarge
In The Doubtful Matter of Cuckoldry 814
第二十九章 庞大固埃召集神学家、医生、法官和哲学家一起为巴努其
Chapter 29 How Pantagruel convocated together a theologian,
physician, lawyer, and philosopher, for extricating Panurge
out of the perplexity wherein he was 825
第三十章 神学家为巴努其的婚姻问题答疑解惑/
Chapter 30 How the theologue, Hippothadee, giveth counsel to
Panurge in the matter and business of his nuptial enterprise 832
第三十一章 医学博士开导巴努其/
Chapter 31 How the physician Rondibilis counselleth Panurge 839
第三十二章 医学博士认为当乌龟戴绿帽是结婚的一种必然附属品/
Chapter 32 How Rondibilis declareth cuckoldry
to be naturally one of the appendances of marriage 847
第三十三章 医学博士妙法治疗绿帽乌龟病/
Chapter 33 Rondibilis the physician’s cure of cuckoldry 854
第三十四章 女人总是喜欢被禁止的东西/
Chapter 34 How women ordinarily have the greatest
longing after things prohibited 860
第三十五章 哲学家替巴努其解释当乌龟的问题/
Chapter 35 How the philosophe Trouillogan
handleth the difficulty of marriage 867
第三十六章 怀疑论派哲学家继续回答问题/
Chapter 36 A continuation of the answer of the Ephectic and
Pyrrhonian philosopher Trouillogan 871
第三十七章 庞大固埃说服巴努其去找一位宫廷小丑来解决难题/
Chapter 37 How Pantagruel persuaded Panurge to
take counsel of a fool 879
第三十八章 庞大固埃和巴努其评价特里布雷/
Chapter 38 How Triboulet is set forth and blazed
by Pantagruel and Panurge 887
第三十九章 庞大固埃发现法官用掷骰子的方式进行审判/
Chapter 39 How Pantagruel was present at the trial of Judge
Bridlegoose, who decided causes and controversies in law by
the chance and fortune of the dice 895
第四十章 法官继续解释使用掷骰子的方式判案的合理性/
Chapter 40 How Bridlegoose giveth reasons why he looked upon
those law-actions which he decided by the chance of the dice 903
第四十一章 法官解释诉讼调解人的工作内容/
Chapter 41 How Bridlegoose relateth the history of
the reconcilers of parties at variance in matters of law. 910
第四十二章 法官阐述诉讼案件是如何产生和成熟的/
Chapter 42 How suits at law are bred at first, and
how they come afterwards to their perfect growth 918
第四十三章 庞大固埃对于法官用掷骰子的方式进行断案表示谅解/
Chapter 43 How Pantagruel excuseth Bridlegoose in the
matter of sentencing actions at law by the chance of the dice 926
第四十四章 庞大固埃给众人讲述了一件离奇的诉讼案件/
Chapter 44 How Pantagruel relateth a strange history of
the perplexity of human judgment 930
第四十五章 巴努其向小丑特里布雷请教/
Chapter 45 How Panurge taketh advice of Triboulet 936
第四十六章 庞大固埃和巴努其对疯子的话理解不同/
Chapter 46 How Pantagruel and Panurge diversely interpret
the words of Triboulet 942
第四十七章 巴努其和庞大固埃决定去寻找神瓶的帮助/
Chapter 47 How Pantagruel and Panurge resolved to
make a visit to the oracle of the holy bottle 947
第四十八章 卡刚杜阿说人应该在得到父母同意后才能结婚/
Chapter 48 How Gargantua showeth that the children ought
not to marry without the special knowledge and advice of
their fathers and mothers 952
第四十九章 庞大固埃开始准备出海,并且带上了一种草/
Chapter 49 How Pantagruel did put himself in a readiness
to go to sea; and of the herb named Pantagruelion 962
第五十章 庞大固埃草是如何被人们发现和使用的/
Chapter 50 How the famous Pantagruelion ought to
be prepared and wrought 966
第五十一章 庞大固埃草名字的由来和特殊作用/
Chapter 51 Why it is called Pantagruelion, and of
the admirable virtues thereof 972
第五十二章 有的庞大固埃草是用火烧不坏的/
Chapter 52 How a certain kind of Pantagruelion is of
that nature that the fire is not able to consume it 981

第四部 善良庞大固埃的英勇言行录
The Fourth Book The Translator’s Preface

作者前言/The Author’s Prologue 1003
第一章 庞大固埃出海寻找神瓶的旨意/
Chapter 1 How Pantagruel went to sea to visit the oracle
of Bacbuc, alias the Holy Bottle 1022
第二章 庞大固埃在麦得莫塞岛上购得大量珍宝/
Chapter 2 How Pantagruel bought many rarities in
the island of Medamothy 1029
第三章 庞大固埃收到父亲卡刚杜阿的来信和快速获知远方消息的途径/
Chapter 3 How Pantagruel received a
letter from his father Gargantua, and of the strange way to have
speedy news from far distant places 1034
第四章 庞大固埃给父亲回信并寄回若干珍玩/
Chapter 4 How Pantagruel writ to his father Gargantua,
and sent him several curiosities 1039
第五章 庞大固埃一行人偶遇自灯笼国归来的一船旅客/
Chapter 5 How Pantagruel met a ship with passengers
returning from Lanternland 1045
第六章 和解之后,巴努其向丁德诺买一只羊/
Chapter 6 How, the fray being over, Panurge cheapened
one of Dingdong’s sheep 1049
第七章 巴努其与丁德诺继续交易/
Chapter 7 Which if you read you’ll find how
Panurge bargained with Dingdong 1053
第八章 巴努其巧施妙计,丁德诺与羊藏身海底/
Chapter 8 How Panurge caused Dingdong and
his sheep to be drowned in the sea 1059
第九章 庞大固埃抵达无鼻岛,岛上的亲属关系罕见/
Chapter 9 How Pantagruel arrived at the island of Ennasin,
and of the strange ways of being akin in that country 1062
第十章 庞大固埃登上和平岛,觐见圣帕尼贡国王/
Chapter 10 How Pantagruel went ashore at the island of
Chely, where he saw King St. Panigon 1070
第十一章 教士为何偏爱厨房/
Chapter 11 Why monks love to be in kitchens 1073
第十二章 庞大固埃抵达诉讼国,看见当地执达吏的怪诞生活/
Chapter 12 How Pantagruel passed by the land of Pettifogging,
and of the strange way of living among the Catchpoles 1076
第十三章 巴施公爵仿效弗朗西斯·威龙奖励下属/
Chapter 13 How, like Master Francis Villon, the
Lord of Basche commended his servants 1085
第十四章 执达吏在巴施府邸被打记(续)/
Chapter 14 A further account of catchpoles who
were drubbed at Basche’s house 1092
第十五章 执达吏恢复了订婚的古代礼节/
Chapter 15 How the ancient custom at nuptials is
renewed by the catchpole 1096
第十六章 约翰修士试验执达吏的秉性/
Chapter 16 How Friar John made trial of the
nature of the catchpoles 1101
第十七章 庞大固埃抵达混沌、空虚二岛,巨人布朗厄纳里伊
Chapter 17 How Pantagruel came to the islands of Tohu and
Bohu; and of the strange death of Wide-nostrils, the swallower
of windmills 1107
第十八章 庞大固埃在海上遭遇风暴袭击/
Chapter 18 How Pantagruel met with a great storm at sea 1111
第十九章 巴努其与约翰修士面对暴风雨时的态度/
Chapter 19 What countenances Panurge and Friar
John kept during the storm 1117
第二十章 在狂风暴雨中水手们手足无措/
Chapter 20 How the pilots were forsaking their ships
in the greatest stress of weather 1123
第二十一章 暴风雨继续肆虐,对海上遗嘱的短评/
Chapter 21 A continuation of the storm, with a short discourse
on the subject of making testaments at sea 1127
第二十二章 暴风雨终于停息了/
Chapter 22 An end of the storm 1132
第二十三章 暴风雨过后,巴努其做起好伙伴来/
Chapter 23 How Panurge played the good fellow
when the storm was over 1135
第二十四章 约翰修士说巴努其在暴风雨中的恐惧是没有道理的/
Chapter 24 How Panurge was said to have been afraid
without reason during the storm 1139
第二十五章 庞大固埃登上长寿岛/
Chapter 25 How, after the storm, Pantagruel went
on shore in the islands of the Macreons 1143
第二十六章 老寿星向庞大固埃讲述英雄的生死/
Chapter 26 How the good Macrobius gave us an account
of the mansion and decease of the heroes 1147
第二十七章 庞大固埃谈论英雄灵魂的消亡及德·朗杰公爵死前的奇事/
Chapter 27 Pantagruel’s discourse of the decease of heroic
souls; and of the dreadful prodigies that happened
before the death of the late Lord de Langey 1150
第二十八章 庞大固埃讲述一个关于英雄去世的悲壮故事/
Chapter 28 How Pantagruel related a very sad story
of the death of the heroes 1156
第二十九章 庞大固埃抵达封斋教主统治下的鬼祟岛/
Chapter 29 How Pantagruel sailed by the Sneaking
Island, where Shrovetide reigned 1160
第三十章 科赛诺玛恩剖析评述封斋教主/
Chapter 30 How Shrovetide is anatomized
and described by Xenomanes 1163
第三十一章 封斋教主外贸特征的剖析/
Chapter 31 Shrovetide’s outward parts anatomized 1167
第三十二章 关于封斋教主的尊荣/
Chapter 32 A continuation of Shrovetide’s countenance 1172
第三十三章 庞大固埃在荒野岛附近发现鲸鱼/
Chapter 33 How Pantagruel discovered a monstrous
physeter, or whirlpool, near the Wild Island 1179
第三十四章 巨鲸被庞大固埃杀死/
Chapter 34 How the monstrous physeter
was slain by Pantagruel 1182
第三十五章 庞大固埃抵达香肠人的古老住所——荒野岛/
Chapter 35 How Pantagruel went on shore in the
Wild Island, the ancient abode of the Chitterlings 1188
第三十六章 荒野岛的香肠人设计谋害庞大固埃/
Chapter 36 How the wild Chitterlings laid an
ambuscado for Pantagruel 1192
第三十七章 庞大固埃召见两位船长,与之谈论人名与地名的意义/
Chapter 37 How Pantagruel sent for Colonel Maul- chitterling and
Colonel Cut-pudding; with a discourse well worth your hearing
about the names of places and persons 1197
第三十八章 香肠人不应当为人轻视/
Chapter 38 How Chitterlings are not to be slighted by men 1203
第三十九章 约翰修士联合厨师们大战香肠人/
Chapter 39 How Friar John joined with the cooks to
fight the Chitterlings 1207
第四十章 约翰修士装配“大母猪”并让厨师们藏于其中/
Chapter 40 How Friar John fitted up the sow; and of the
valiant cooks that went into it 1211
第四十一章 庞大固埃战胜香肠人/
Chapter 41 How Pantagruel broke the Chitterlings at the knees 1216
第四十二章 庞大固埃与香肠王后尼弗雷赛特议和/
Chapter 42 How Pantagruel held a treaty with Niphleseth,
Queen of the Chitterlings 1221
第四十三章 庞大固埃抵达吃风岛/
Chapter 43 How Pantagruel went into the island of Ruach 1224
第四十四章 小雨平息大风/
Chapter 44 How small rain lays a high wind 1230
第四十五章 庞大固埃抵达“反教皇岛”/
Chapter 45 How Pantagruel went ashore in the island of Pope-Figland 1234
第四十六章 小魔鬼上了“反教皇岛”农夫的当/
Chapter 46 How a junior devil was fooled by
a husbandman of Pope-Figland 1240
第四十七章 小魔鬼上了“反教皇岛”老妇的当/
Chapter 47 How the devil was deceived by an old
woman of Pope-Figland 1246
第四十八章 庞大固埃来到“教皇派岛”/
Chapter 48 How Pantagruel went ashore at the island of Papimany 1251
第四十九章 “教皇派”主教奥姆纳斯让庞大固埃等人见识上天敕令/
Chapter 49 How Homenas, Bishop of Papimany, showed us the
Uranopet decretals 1256
第五十章 奥姆纳斯让庞大固埃等人瞻仰教皇画像/
Chapter 50 How Homenas showed us the archetype,
or representation of a pope 1261
第五十一章 进餐时称颂《敕令》/
Chapter 51 Table-talk in praise of the decretals 1265
第五十二章 继续赞美《敕令》的神奇/
Chapter 52 A continuation of the miracles caused by the decretals 1270
第五十三章 《教皇敕令》怎样巧妙地让黄金从法国流入罗马/
Chapter 53 How by the virtue of the decretals, gold is
subtilely drawn out of France to Rome 1277
第五十四章 奥姆纳斯赠与庞大固埃“善良教徒梨”/
Chapter 54 How Homenas gave Pantagruel some bon-Christian pears 1282
第五十五章 庞大固埃在大海上听见解冻的声音/
Chapter 55 How Pantagruel, being at sea, heard
various unfrozen words 1285
第五十六章 庞大固埃从解冻的声音中听出奇怪的含义/
Chapter 56 How among the frozen words Pantagruel
found some odd ones 1288
第五十七章 庞大固埃来到世界顶级艺术大师加斯特的住所/
Chapter 57 How Pantagruel went ashore at the dwelling of
Gaster, the first master of arts in the world 1291
第五十八章 庞大固埃对腹语者与肚皮崇拜者深表厌恶/
Chapter 58 How, at the court of the master of ingenuity,
Pantagruel detested the Engastrimythes and the Gastrolaters 1297
第五十九章 肚皮崇拜者用饿死鬼的怪诞神像来供奉神灵/
Chapter 59 Of the ridiculous statue Manduce; and how
and what the Gastrolaters sacrifice to their ventripotent god 1301
第六十章 肚皮崇拜者在斋戒日供奉神灵的方法/
Chapter 60 What the Gastrolaters sacrificed to their
god on interlarded fish-days 1307
第六十一章 加斯特发明了种植与储存粮食的方法/
Chapter 61 How Gaster invented means to
get and preserve corn 1311
第六十二章 加斯特巧妙地避开炮击/
Chapter 62 How Gaster invented an art to avoid
being hurt or touched by cannon-balls 1315
第六十三章 庞大固埃在伪善岛附近昏昏欲睡及醒来后解决的问题/
Chapter 63 How Pantagruel fell asleep near the island of Chaneph,
and of the problems proposed to be solved when he waked 1319
第六十四章 庞大固埃没有解决伙伴的问题/
Chapter 64 How Pantagruel gave no answer to the problems 1324
第六十五章 庞大固埃与属下们消磨时间/
Chapter 65 How Pantagruel passed the time with his servants 1328
第六十六章 根据庞大固埃的命令,众人向盗贼岛上的缪斯致敬/
Chapter 66 How, by Pantagruel’s order, the Muses were saluted
near the isle of Ganabim. 1331
第六十七章 巴努其吓得屁滚尿流,将罗蒂拉杜丝猫当成小魔鬼/
Chapter 67 How Panurge berayed himself for fear; and of
the huge cat Rodilardus, which he took for a puny devil 1336

第五部 善良的庞大固埃的英勇言行录(末卷)
The Fifth Book

作者前言/The Author’s Prologue 1342
第一章 庞大固埃来到钟鸣岛,及我们听到的声音/
Chapter 1 How Pantagruel arrived at the Ringing Island,
and of the noise that we heard 1350
第二章 钟鸣岛曾是葬礼号手们的住所,他们后来都变成了飞鸟/
Chapter 2 How the Ringing Island had been inhabited by the
Siticines, who were become birds 1354
第三章 钟鸣岛上只有一个“教皇哥”/
Chapter 3 How there is but one pope-hawk in the Ringing Island 1359
第四章 钟鸣岛上的鸟全是候鸟/
Chapter 4 How the birds of the Ringing Island were all passengers 1363
第五章 钟鸣岛上“贪嘴鸟”都是哑巴/
Chapter 5 Of the dumb Knight-hawks of the Ringing Island 1367
第六章 钟鸣岛上的鸟儿怎么样来获取食物/
Chapter 6 How the birds are crammed in the Ringing Island 1371
第七章 巴努其给艾迪图斯师傅讲述马和驴的故事/
Chapter 7 How Panurge related to Master Aedituus
the fable of the horse and the ass 1374
第八章 “教皇哥”确实不容易看见/
Chapter 8 How with much ado we got a sight of the pope-hawk 1383
第九章 庞大固埃来到铁器岛/
Chapter 9 How we arrived at the island of Tools 1388
第十章 庞大固埃等人抵达骗人岛/
Chapter 10 How Pantagruel arrived at the island of Sharping 1392
第十一章 庞大固埃经过“穿皮袍的猫”格利博美诺大公的关卡/
Chapter 11 How we passed through the wicket inhabited by
Gripe-men-all, Archduke of the Furred Law-cats 1396
第十二章 格利博美诺让我们猜谜语/
Chapter 12 How Gripe-men-all propounded a riddle to us 1403
第十三章 巴努其破解格利博美诺的谜语/
Chapter 13 How Panurge solved Gripe-men-all’s riddle 1408
第十四章 “穿皮袍的猫”专事收受贿赂/
Chapter 14 How the Furred Law-cats live on corruption 1411
第十五章 约翰修士决定设法将“穿皮袍的猫”一网打尽/
Chapter 15 How Friar John talks of rooting out the
Furred Law-cats 1415
第十六章 庞大固埃登上愚人岛,遇到奇怪的事/
Chapter 16 How Pantagruel came to the island of the Apedefers,
or Ignoramuses, with long claws and crooked paws, and of
terrible adventures and monsters there 1422
第十七章 我们抵达皮桶岛,惊见开膛仪式/
Chapter 17 How we went forwards, and how Panurge
had like to have been killed 1432
第十八章 庞大固埃船只搁浅,被“第五元素”人救起/
Chapter 18 How our ships were stranded, and we were
relieved by some people that were subject to Queen Whims
(qui tenoient de la Quinte) 1436
第十九章 我们来到了名为“精致”的“第五元素”王国/
Chapter 19 How we arrived at the queendom
of Whims or Entelechy 1441
第二十章 在“第五元素”王国,人们用音乐来治疗疾病/
Chapter 20 How the Quintessence cured the sick with a song 1444
第二十一章 王后饭后的消遣/
Chapter 21 How the Queen passed her time after dinner 1450
第二十二章 “第五元素”王国官吏各司其职,王后留我们
Chapter 22 How Queen Whims’ officers were employed;
and how the said lady retained us among her abstractors 1454
第二十三章 王后的晚餐/
Chapter 23 How the Queen was served at dinner,
and of her way of eating 1459
第二十四章 在王后面前举行对弈舞会/
Chapter 24 w there was a ball in the manner of a tournament,
at which Queen Whims was present 1463
第二十五章 舞会上三十二人的对决情况/
Chapter 25 How the thirty-two persons at the ball fought 1467
第二十六章 我们来到大陆岛,岛上道路交错纵横/
Chapter 26 How we came to the island of Odes,
where the ways go up and down 1473
第二十七章 庞大固埃经过木屐岛及“省音修士”的会规/
Chapter 27 How we came to the island of Sandals;
and of the order of Semiquaver Friars 1476
第二十八章 巴努其询问一个“省音修士”,得到的回答总是一个单音字节/
Chapter 28 How Panurge asked a Semiquaver Friar many questions,
and was only answered in monosyllables 1484
第二十九章 埃皮斯特蒙讨厌封斋期/
Chapter 29 How Epistemon disliked the institution of Lent 1495
第三十章 我们在丝绸国游览/
Chapter 30 How we came to the land of Satin 1501
第三十一章 我们发现在丝绸国,“作证学校”由“道听途说”在管理着/
Chapter 31 How in the land of Satin we saw Hearsay,
who kept a school of vouching 1507
第三十二章 发现灯笼国/
Chapter 32 How we came in sight of Lantern-land 1511
第三十三章 我们踏上灯笼国码头,进入灯笼国/
Chapter 33 How we landed at the port of the
Lychnobii, and came to Lantern-land 1512
第三十四章 我们来到了神瓶所在地/
Chapter 34 How we arrived at the Oracle of the Bottle 1516
第三十五章 我们从地下走进神瓶大殿;希农是世界最古老的城市/
Chapter 35 How we went underground to come to the Temple of the
Holy Bottle, and how Chinon is the oldest city in the world 1519
第三十六章 我们向下走了四层,巴努其吓得浑身发抖/
Chapter 36 How we went down the tetradic steps,
and of Panurge’s fear 1523
第三十七章 神殿的门神奇地自动开启了/
Chapter 37 How the temple gates in a wonderful manner
opened of themselves 1528
第三十八章 大殿的地面由象征性的图案拼成/
Chapter 38 Of the Temple’s admirable pavement 1532
第三十九章 大殿的墙壁上绘着巴克科斯战胜印度人的图案/
Chapter 39 How we saw Bacchus’s army drawn up
in battalia in mosaic work 1535
第四十章 壁画上善良的巴克科斯大战印度人/
Chapter 40 How the battle in which the good Bacchus
overthrew the Indians was represented in mosaic work 1540
第四十一章 大殿由一盏神奇的灯照亮/
Chapter 41 How the temple was illuminated
with a wonderful lamp 1544
第四十二章 祭司巴布让我们看到大殿里的一眼奇妙泉水,
Chapter 42 How the Priestess Bacbuc showed us a
fantastic fountain in the temple, and how the fountain-water
had the taste of wine, according to the imagination of those
who drank of it 1547
第四十三章 巴布祭司为巴努其穿着打扮,以使他能得到
Chapter 43 How the Priestess Bacbuc equipped Panurge
in order to have the word of the Bottle 1555
第四十四章 祭司巴布将巴努其领到神瓶前/
Chapter 44 How Bacbuc, the high-priestess,
brought Panurge before the Holy Bottle 1558
第四十五章 巴布祭司解释神瓶旨意/
Chapter 45 How Bacbuc explained the word
of the Goddess-Bottle 1562
第四十六章 巴努其等人疯狂地吟诗/
Chapter 46 How Panurge and the rest rhymed
with poetic fury 1566
第四十七章 他们告别巴布祭司,离开神瓶国/
Chapter 47 How we took our leave of Bacbuc,
and left the Oracle of the Holy Bottle 1571
