同文译馆专业翻译 ◎ 2009年12月企业刊
◎ 总第十期
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首届傅雷翻译出版奖12月6日在京颁奖。列维—斯特劳斯的《面具之道》译者张祖建和蒙田的《蒙田随笔全集》译者马振骋分享此项大奖,出版上述两本译著的中国人民大学出版社和上海书店出版社同时获奖。2008年诺贝尔文学奖获得者、法国作家勒克莱齐奥为获奖者颁奖,获奖图书的出版社与译者将平分8000欧元的奖金。消息传来,翻译行业门户网站“同文译馆”特委托赵伟女士对获奖人张祖建先生进行了专访: [ 阅读全文 ]



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《how to make yourself happy》

这是一本心理咨询方面的书籍                                    翻译方向:英译中   预估中文字数:9万   【查看竞标栏目】

《the impulse factor》

本书内容涉及大脑和心理学                                        翻译方向:英译中   预估中文字数:15万【查看竞标栏目】

《20 per gallon》

此书主要涉及石油内容的经营管理类书籍                 翻译方向:英译中   预估中文字数:20万【查看竞标栏目】


译文赏析:Chinese find strength and hope in earthquake rubble

On May 12, 2008, an earthquake of 8 magnitude struck in Sichuan. Everyone in China was shocked, and quickly became heartbroken as reported deaths climbed from 10,000 to 32,000 to more than 62,000 people. The death toll is still rising, and the number of injured and missing is many times more.

The Chinese people faced this disaster with compassion and courage. I was touched by the teacher who died forming a bridge with his body between two desks, protecting four surviving students under him, by the trapped child who told the rescue workers to save others first, and by the dying mother who texted her baby, "My Treasure: If you survive, always remember I love you." She died using her own body to shield her 3-month-old from harm. But don't worry about this baby growing up without a family. Thousands of families in China have already volunteered to adopt earthquake orphans.

And the Chinese people faced this disaster with resourcefulness and tenacity. A brave executive took his weekend SUV, drove hundreds of miles, started digging, and saved several lives. A child used his hands to dig out two fellow students. His hands were severely injured, but his friends survived. Cab drivers turned their cars into ambulances and delivery trucks. More than 100,000 brave soldiers risked (and some gave) their lives to find every survivor. [ 阅读全文 ]

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